Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Out of Order Post on OPB's John Lennon Special

I am was watching a special about John Lennon on OPB. It was really quite fascinating.
I am not the biggest Beatles fan but they had their day. They were a tight group, their songs were a bit silly but they were simple and straight forward and had a certain energy.
Then came Yoko.
A couple things stuck in my head. First, while the Beatles were a bit simplistic and perhaps a bit silly but it was good honest music.
After Sgt Peppers the Beatles degenerated into utter silliness and at best, pretentiousness. This was about the time Yoko and her pretentious and stupid art projects captivated John and then there was the LSD and heroin and more art.
There was footage from the famous New York concert with John and Yoko and I cringed. I'd never seen it was quite surprised at how genuinely unattractive she was. I was horrified at the strange noises which came from her mouth.
And how ridiculous the whole production was. The stupid hard hats. Yoko...
The documentary went into how the Nixon Election and the bad concert reviews upset everyone and then John ditches Yoko for a hot groupie and she kicks him out. Oh, yes! Even as a wee lad I remember this tears following the Nixon election. (He did end Johnson's war however!)
So John goes to LA, finds a much better looking and acting girl friend, and did some sessions with Phil Spector in LA. They have been playing the songs that he was doing with the soundtrack of the documentary. I've been thinking how bad the songs were and then I hear Lennon doing these early rock and roll songs (that he didn't write) as warm up songs. They are good. There is energy, the lyrics are simple, and it is real rock and roll.
Then he came back to New York for Walls and Bridges which they say was not that great an album (although I liked it) and it just got sadder and sadder.
The man could have had just about any woman he wanted and he chose Yoko. Good grief, we are our own worst enemies.
Then they talked about his concert with Elton John and Elton John comes on and says the best thing was that Lennon got back with Yoko. If he could have just completed the Yoko withdrawals perhaps he could have become a real rock and roll artist again.

Then we have an album with Yoko and John together. Oh my goodness is she bad! I didn't like her because she always seemed very manipulative and so completely full of crap. I never realized how horrible she was as an artist. Wow! Ouch... Painful... make it stop!

I looked up Yoko on Wikipedia or something, I went to sleep in my chair and now I've lost the link. The article described her art projects. My memories of the 1960's and 1970's are from when I was a little kid. I remember seeing programs on modern art in what must have been second grade and all I can remember is my conviction that it was a scam to get status and money by people who couldn't do real art. Now, I find it all pretty funny as here you had this whole group of people, who were all congratulating each other on being smart and witty and oh so hip and they were all totally full of crap! Read about Yoko and her art projects here and here, pretty funny!

I think the word is sophomoric.

My favorite comment on Yoko follows this article:

I've heard the joke before- someone called "datruth" posted on February 27, 2009 at 3 p.m. "You want to know why there is no god? 5 shots, not one hit yoko. Still believe in god now?"

Of course she is celebrated as a great feminist. Not that she actually accomplished anything on her own. No, she had to latch onto John Lennon to burn her horrible shrieks into the record of history. The whole discussion of how she stood of to John's sexism and abuse (he was mean to his hot first wife) is a bunch of BS. It was not so much "standing up as a feminist" no it was the classic pattern of manipulation used by women throughout the ages. Get the man hook with sex and perhaps drugs, deny him affection, Give him more sex, be strange and remote, make demands, deny sex, set him up for humiliation, reel him back in. Pretty much classic manipulation.
True Feminism would have meant she would have made her own way on her own terms. As in Yoko needed John like a fish needs a bicycle.
Wow! That was a rant. Don't even know what that all came from.
Note, I don't claim to be anything but a poorly educated lout who believes representational art.
And who doesn't like to proof-read.
Good night!


  1. It must have been the LSD Budde. Not sure how else John could have chosen Y.O.
    That said, he was still a musical genius and his music will be around for a long time.

  2. That was a great rant! It pretty much sums up the Hippy experience. They pretended to have deep convictions when all the really wanted was easy sex and a lot of drugs. Unfortunately that generation is now running America. No wonder everything is going so well!

  3. Y.O. is a hideous person, inside and out. I've long been a Beatles naysayer for the following reason: you want rock? The Stones were much better. You want weird sounds and pretentiousness? The Floyd was much better.

    While spreading fertilizer this fall, I came up with a rating system of which Beatle was best and which was worse. I think it went (from best to worse)
    George, Ringo, Paul, John
    My rating system was pretty subjective though, for example John lost 200 points for being with Yoko. George gained 150 points for being in the Traveling Wilburys, and Ringo gained 50 points for narrating Thomas the Tank engine for a season or two. Oh, and I think Paul lost points for Wings and the Heather Mills divorce debacle.

  4. Various anonymous posters-I can understand the wish for easy sex, don't like drugs, but I'm not so sure about the pretending to have these deep convictions. I don't think you can question the sincerity of the conviction or the intensity of their emotions. I just don't think they had the faintest idea they were full of crap or that anyone had thought the same things they had thought before or that some of their ideas were vapid and shallow and stupid. For example, Yoko grunting and screeching and calling it art, heck if you read the links I posted about Yoko it even has a genre.
    Ralph, i suspect Yoko had some really special talent that I don't need to know about.
    Orin, I really like your rating system. If John would have released his covers of early rock and roll i would give him a few extra points. I have mixed feelings about the traveling Whilburys. Ringo has to get serious negative points for a couple solo albums which I can't remember off the top of my head. But he was really good in the Thomas series.
    Paul wrote a song with the lines, "peaches and cream, oh what a dream, now she's my angel divine, blah, blah, somthing" which is almost as bad as marrying a circus freak who doesn't realize she is a circus freak.

  5. Budde, "Your Sixteen" is the song you refer to. I had a feeling it was pre-Beatles and had to look it up. I have the song somewhere here on ancient magnetic recording tape so it was faster to check wikipedia.
    Its kinda fifties rock and roll which I generally like.

  6. My Dad has a Ringo album where he does some country stuff. It's actually pretty good.

    The ratings system was a lot of fun. I think it took me 50 acres of Fescue and about 70 acres of rough, rough pasture to perfect it.

  7. Ah yes Beaucoups of Blues, I had that on an 8 track tape. A little strange to hear Ringo's Liverpool accent singing country music. Now I have that song stuck in my head for all day!


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