Sunday, August 8, 2010

The way it goes here on the farm

The day started with my wife having a splitting headache. She went back to be bed and Sadie and I went to church. She was still in bed when we returned. I have been worried I will make her head explode and I looked carefully for any swelling. She just looked really tired.
I retired to the river with Sadie and texted everyone I could think of that I had invited to watch movies.
When we returned from the river we had visitors. I guess I forgot I have semi local friends who drove an hour to see movies on the Great White Barn.
So, we talked till dusk and it really seemed pointless not to watch movies. So I fetched the projectors.
The bulbs were burnt out in BOTH PROJECTORS. The second projector I don't even use for viewing as it is an auto loader and it tends to eat fragile film.
This is the way it goes here on the farm.


  1. Wow. I actually might have made the trek to the LFFF on the GWB, but we had a birthday party that we had committed to. Good thing I guess!

    I'm thinking that IH safety film might be pretty relevant to me as most of our equipment is from that era. Hmm....did MF ever make a similar film.......?

    I hope Mrs. Farmer feels better today.

  2. Guess your wife got it right; stay in bed on bad days (or return ti it).

  3. Orin, well, we did have a pretty good time just standing around in the dark. The kids pretended there was a movie by taking turns acting out weird skits while the other kids spotlighted them with flashlights. And someone brought popcorn. Mrs. Lazy Farmer is back at it. She decided to paint the house...
    Everybody had safety films but they tend to be hard to find. I think MF had a film that targeted the suicide risks associated with Massey Combines...
    Gorges, it is hard to keep the wife down. She is the hard worker of the family!

  4. I don't mean to be condescending here, but having suicidal thoughts about MF combines is an amateur-ish mistake. The combine can sense these things, and takes them as a sign of victory! Avoid at all costs. Occasional threats of 12# sledges and cutting torches seem to help also, although some Masseybines seem to have a death wish of their own.

    By the way, it's a little known fact that each 700 series Massey was factory equipped with a short section of the river Styx. Have you found yours yet?

  5. Orin, actually our Massey Combine is not a bad combine. We have had some fuel system problems but that is the perkins. The ac is a pain but not that bad. I've seen worse...
    It ain't a new combine!

  6. We are too. The county system pressure is way down due to this drought and so are all my wells. I pumped them dry this last month, just what I planned to do. Had the water when I needed it, could use a little more but that will change if this predicited front comes through. Good article.


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