Friday, August 13, 2010

More Police humor...

Today has not been one of the best days. I've been baling at our field just outside of town. The lock that prevents the plunger from hitting the needles broke and dropped into place. I was almost asleep and enjoying the nice cold A/C in the 2-135. Suddenly there was a loud crash and all the dust on the baler sheet metal lifted about an inch. I fixed the shear pin but could tell it was up against something solid. So, I removed the offending mechanism and took it home and welded it.
So, I got another evening to observe the follies of the local force. There were no cops on patrol during the day. It was only after 6 p.m. that the speed trap went into operation. They were not so enthusiastic this evening.
I quit baling at around 11 p.m. when the moisture came up and I had to stop. When I went by the police cars I could see that they had a fan club. Several of those girls who wear pajama's when it is not evening were gathered round the patrol car. Cop groupies?
I texted that info to Chronic Boy's sistkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk;;;;;;;;;oo
Whew! it has been a long day. I went to sleep at the keyboard...
Anyway, I texted some funny commentary to Chronic Boy's sister. Turned out her husband was one of the cops on duty. I suspect we will hear more of this one...

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