Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve and rain

Nasty cold rain. If it were not for man-made global warming climate change we would have snow. Lots of snow. Foot after foot of snow. Snow that obscures the rusting farm machinery in the front yard. Snow that covers all the projects that I have not finished.
Yesterday I brought my drill and tractor home.
I bought a stainless steel auger from the CoOp for $50 cash. Helper and I went after it.
Now he is knocking at the door so I have to go to work.
There was going to be a story about driving down highway 18 with snow on both sides of the road and people giving us the finger.
that will have to wait...


  1. When you are young a farm is like the best train set ever, unfinished projects are treasure saved for the future. When do things undone start to mock a man, and an eager helper become the ghost of Christmas past?

    There are enough unfinished dreams around here from my father's life and from mine to keep a squad of engineers and circus monkeys busy for a very long time.

  2. Sort of lost the point of my story. I moved my tractor and drill home yesterday and drivers were insane. It seemed funny this morning but now-not so much.
    Happy New Year...


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