Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday morning

It has been quite the hectic week. Temperatures were up to 107 degrees. This would not be such a big deal but-the humidity was so high it affected the baling. 
I was attempting to do 80 acres of fescue straw and 30 acres of meadow foxtail straw. The moisture levels were so high that I could not start baling till 11:00 am and then it would come back up at 10:30 p.m. If you have temperatures of 107 at 4 p.m. and have to take a couple hours off due to fire danger, well you don't get a lot done.
I didn't do the whole 80 acres. I did 50 and gave the rest to the young fellow who what given the other half of the straw (160 acres total). The farmer I was selling to decided the straw quality was not good enough and suggested I sell to someone else. The fellow who got the other half of the field had already said he would buy my half to I sold to him.
I got to thinking whilst driving around the field in the high temps that I was not making a lot of money. This other fellow has a lot higher payments than I do. What is the point in selling to him when he could just bale it and I could go do something else. So I gave him the rest of my share. Seemed to make him happy.
We may watch movies on the barn tonight.
Tomorrow daughter and I are going to Antique Powerland at Brooks. Hope it is not 95 degrees there.
I do enjoy the smell of woodsmoke and distillate.

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