Monday, August 3, 2009

Antique Powerland Sunday

Took dad and S. to Antique Powerland Sunday. S. and I go every year. We like to look at the old tractors, ride the miniature railroad, see the trolly museum, ride the trolley, wander around. 
She always has a cup of shaved ice, and we get the home made style ice cream made by the steam engine driven off the saw mill steam supply. Seems to taste better than regular ice cream. 
Dad thought he wanted to go with us this year. There was a lot of walking for someone who is 90 years old. I should have found him an electric wheel chair. He was a pretty good sport. We didn't see everything. Sadie and I have sort of a random approach to seeing the show. Dad wanted to see the steam sawmill so we walked over there first. Sadie wanted to ride the miniature steam train so we caught the trolley over to Willow springs railroad. It was quite difficult for dad to get on the trolley. Just too high a step. Have a photo of him and sadie setting on the train.
Sadie was disappointed there were not many Minneapolis-Moline tractors. We looked for our Moline that Antique Powerland borrowed this year. Rode the people mover around the show grounds  a couple times. Found it in one of the sheds. They use it for mowing the grounds. It was with the tractors they use. S. finally found a Moline and I took her picture.
Later we had hot dogs and ice cream. When the temp hit 89 we decided to go home. Did miss the old style tractor pull where folks step onto the sled and the steamer pulls them out the gate.
Sadie really liked the blacksmith shop. I have a photo of her watching the blacksmith pound out a large metal bar. The fellow was running a big trip hammer. Dad used to have one of those set up in the shop. I remember dad running the forge and trip hammer. Long time ago now. Probably 35 years ago.

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