Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What was wrong with my world

I needed to pick up some piles of old hay at what is left of my farm. They are the remains of the days when I did a hundred acres of hay, had to stack half of it outside, and then it didn't sell. Kind of a painful experience.
I pushed it all into a pile a couple years ago and have been turning it every year since. It is nicely composted, but full of strings.
I got my friend to load it for me. I was to meet him up at Gopher Valley at 10:00. Well, I had truck problems. We are out of gas at the farm. The door wouldn't shut on the truck.
The door would not stuck because when my helpers fixed the door after the hinge busted, they did not replace the twisted off bolts that should have attached the fender.
Thus, the fender popped out and the door wouldn't open. So my ever resourceful employee got a hammer and a block of wood and hammered the finder back. This stretched the metal so that now you can't close the door. I got it sort of back in shape and drilled new bolt holes.
But, then I discovered 2nd and 4th gears do not work correctly in the auxiliary transmission-the Brownie. It pops out of fourth and second is very noisy. This is in a 72 International tandem axle with a 24ft bed. Has a five and a four.
It was not the linkage and the transmission was full of fluid. I should have pulled the top off but I was in a hurry.
Once I got there I found I had more than one truckload. I took the first load home and discovered that the vermeer irrigator was in the way to unload. Made it past that and dumped. Then discovered that I used enough gas so that I could get back to Gopher Valley but not enough to get home. Fixed lunch for Derrick and I and we went back. I thought I would drive the stacker back. But the stacker battery was dead. Had to get a ride home with the neighbor. He thinks I should use his covercrop disk but I'm afraid to borrow from anyone. Too many things go wrong up there.
I get home and discover our tandem disk has a flate tire and a bad wheel bearing. I go to start the M670 super and the battery is dead. Then my brother says we need to go tho tractor pull meeting so another day is dead and gone... I keep going to sleep typing so I won't add anymore. Good night...


  1. Thanks for this blog, have really enjoyed it, looking forward to more as I journey towards present day.

    1. Thanks for reading. My new life is not as interesting


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