Sunday, November 27, 2022

Budd E. Shepherd Returns


My White 2-155 like the Parson's Shay, will one just turn to dust...

I am slightly optimistic that will now be able to comment on my own and other people's blogs with my blogger identity. In the next half hour I will know if I can actually post this blog update...

I switched to Chrome. I decided why not have google track every movement of Budd E. Shepherd? It was one my goal to gain lots of followers who wanted to read my complaints about farming and astute observations on life? Perhaps, some NSA spook, bored to tears from reading home improvement blogs about freaking Chicken Tractors, will find the Lazy Farmer and get a chuckle.

This has been a busy year. I ended up doing quite a bit of farming in the evenings after my other job. I am not sure why I am so tired this year. Perhaps I am wearing out, much like the tractor in the above photo. It wasn't that long ago that I bought it. But then again, so much has happened in the last decade it is hard to believe.

To read more about the Parson's Shay, but not about my White 2-155 click below...

Before 2007 I had a different blog. I deleted it for various reasons. I wish I would have saved a backup. I suspect it had all the details of my No-till beginnings and also my 2-155 tractor purchase. The first Daily Strumpet/ Lazy Farmer blog shows my second grain drill. My first drill I pulled with the MMG1355.

To read about my early no-till, click below...